Promoting Chiropractic Care on Facebook: Dos and Don’ts

Digital marketing has made it easier for companies to find and reach audiences, particularly those with highly targeted markets. Through online advertisements on Facebook and other massive platforms, chiropractic businesses can tap people who could potentially be interested in the services they offer. If you plan to utilise this market through Facebook, you must learn about the dos and don’ts to make your ads more compelling. 

Like other platforms, Facebook ads also follow some strict guidelines for health-related advertisements. You need to read through these guidelines to prevent your ads from being rejected or taken down by the platform. 

Here is a compilation of some of the basic Facebook ads rules that Facebook advertising agencies want their clients to know:

Never Start Your Ad With a Question

Facebook does not want any ads that violate the personal attributes of people. That includes medical conditions, religion, race, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, beliefs, age, and more differences that need to be respected. Since these are sensitive matters for people, it would be best to be careful when communicating about such topics.

If you position your chiropractic care ads in a question form such as: “Do you experience back pain?” That could end up breaking the rule and getting your ad rejected. The challenge now is for Facebook advertising agencies to create intriguing and helpful advertisements about back pain without violating anyone’s personal attributions. Instead of using questions, try to turn them into statements.

Be Careful of Your ‘Truth Claims’ 

While statements are more acceptable than questions, you should also know the limits you can do with them. Facebook ads are sensitive to posts that claim to cure health-related issues, even if indirectly implied. Statements that have “will help” or “can cure your back pain” phrases might get rejected.

Because Facebook is a widely-used platform, it does not want to give any misleading information. In essence, it does not want chiropractic care to promise relief or help to patients because not everyone with back pain reading the ad will be eligible for the service.

Using “may” instead of “will” is more acceptable as it does not promise anything to anyone. 

Be Careful of the Images You Use

When communicating pain, the first image that comes to mind is a person with red highlighted painful areas in their body. If you think of using the same image for your chiropractic care Facebook ad, you should abandon that idea. Negative words and images are not something that Facebook likes. 

Explore Video Ads

If you think you can only explore a limited type of content, you can still be creative and find a way to play with the rules while still effectively promoting your business. For example, video testimonials are content that Facebook likes. 

Watching educational, informative, and testimonial videos are more reliable for the viewers’ eyes too. You only have to be smart about the captions, branding, and calls-to-action you use to ensure that your ads bring company returns.  


When you look closely at some rules featured in this article, they all boil down to the need for advertisers to be responsible communicators. When talking about health-related topics, it would be best to be considerate of everyone involved. There should be no false promises unless the data is backed by research. These rules also change as algorithms change. So make sure that you or your advertising agency keep themselves informed and updated all the time.

If you are looking for a Facebook advertising agency for chiropractors, look no further than Web Profit Maximiser. Our team is made up of award-winning experts, including world-class mentors for Facebook advertising. We can help you effectively reach out to your target audience and meet your business objectives. Contact us today to learn more. 

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