Practice Marketing Simplified: A Step-By-Step Guide To Perfect Practice Volume & Unlimited Patients

If your a chiropractor and your practice volume isn’t where you want it to be, then this article will help.

  • How to attract quality chiropractic patients.
  • How to get consistency in your practice volume
  • How to increase your referrals
  • How to work with a marketing agency who understands your practice and your “style’ of chiropractic

If you’ve ever faced any of these challenges, you’re not alone and in this article will show you how you can keep your practice volume at just the right level for you.

Here’s the breakdown of this article.

Part 1: The #1 Key Stat You Must Know Daily

Part 2: The Hidden Gold Mine In Your Practice

Part 3: How to get unlimited patients coming to you from your community. 

Ready to get started?

Here we go!

First, you’re going to need to know some numbers. And the #1 key statistic you must know and monitor VERY frequently, is how many ACTIVE patients you have.

Think about it, active patients are the patients who are paying you money AND thus they determine your practice revenue. So they are definitely at the top of the list of your core statistics.  But we want to go beyond just knowing the number, in this article, we are going to focus on how to INCREASE your active patients.

Here’s what you need to do:

Go into your practice management software and run a report on your current active patients. 

Write this number down and track it daily. If it’s not going up, you’re not growing, and neither is your revenue.  Period!

Being able to keep patients active isn’t easy, but here are some tips to help you prevent them from dropping off. 

Step 1: Create A Communication Plan To Keep Patients Active. 

Having a plan of communication can reduce the sudden surprise when a patient suddenly drops out of care.  So create a visit by visit “guide” to help keep patients on track. I had over 188 visits pre-planned on what I was going to say when I was in practice.

 Take notice of any patterns that form over time when patients drop off. For instance, if patients tend to stop care at around visit X, brainstorm on what you could do to prevent this from occurring.

Step 2: Pro-tip: You’ll never be able to stop everyone from dropping out of chiropractic care, so we want to make them feel ok in dropping out AND more importantly that they are “weclome” to come back anytime they wish.  

This will keep your relationship with them and allow them to feel “safe” when they decide to come back.. 

When creating yoru plan of communication, also consider automated communication. This should include SMS, Email & Social Media. 

 If your patients aren’t communicating with your Facebook™ business page, this is a sign that you’re not encouraging them to communicate with your page AND you may not be putting up useful content. So start to put up content that’s useful and let them know it’s on your social media and encourage them to read or watch it… 

When you put all of these steps above into action, you will be able to retain patients longer and start to take control of your practice revenue. 

You also start to get patients “used” to communicate to you via other methods other than face to face. (wouldn’t that be nice to have during a pandemic)

Finally, remember when you can have “better” control over your active patient numbers, you will have much better control over your revenue and this makes practice a lot more fun!. 

Pro-tip Have an active patient procedure in place.  Review this with your team in your weekly team meetings so everyone is on board. 

Hold some “special” meetings and encourage your team to brainstorm ideas on how you can keep your patients happy! 

Part 2: How to have a steady flow of chiropractic patients coming back to you. 

Re-activations are the 2nd key to your perfect practice volume.

Now that you’re done with part 1.

Here’s part 2. 

Measure & track your inactive patient status, just like you do with your active patient numbers, know your inactive patient statistics too. 

Most practices try to grow by only focussing on people they don’t yet know. (And you should do this too), but you also need to focus on your inactive patients each and every week!  

Depending on how long you’ve been in practice, you could have hundreds of potential new clients coming back to you from those who have dropped out of care.

AND you should also be discussing re-activations during weekly meetings. too!

Here’s what to do: 

 Step 1: Call your inactive patient lists

Pro Tip: People often need a “reason” to take action, so give them a reason with an offer to a special event or a special welcome back to your office.

Step 2: Run targeted Facebook Posts To Your Inactive Clients.

Nearly all your patients Are On Facebook™ or Instagram and many are on there for hours. 

This is perfect for you to “keep” in front of them and continue to provide value and build your relationship with them…

Pro Tip: Running A Targeted Social Media Post / Ad To Your Inactive Clients Will Re-enforce everything your doing above (NOTE: If you don’t know how to do this, get in contact with me).

Step 3: , Send inactive patients SMS messages & Emails.  When you incorporate this, you’re now communicating in nearly every manner possible (phone, sms, email, social media!)

Pro Tip: Remember to use your technology for what it’s meant for. You should have an automated system that allows for reactivations to occur without you lifting a finger.

So far we’ve covered how to keep your active patients active, how to make them feel comfortable to drop out, and come back, and how to reactivate patients from every angle!

Ok time for the last – but not least!

New Client Attraction With Strangers

There are 3 types of strangers you want to communicate with.

1. Strangers Who Are Ready. 

2. Strangers Who Are Ready But Not Taking Action.

3. Strangers Who Don’t Know You Can Help Them

So let’s look at how to attract strangers who are ready. 

Step 1: Be At The Top Of Google 

Google is where the “hot buyers” are. This is where the 2% of people who are actively searching for a solution to a problem you can solve are at…

So you want to be here!

Here’s what to do.  

Step 1: Be found in Search (seo) & Paid Traffic (google ads)

If your SEO competition is fierce, then you’ll need to start with google ads to get immediate results.  Later as your SEO picks up, you can then reduce your google ads budget.

Pro Tip: Not all google searches will contact your office. Have “remarketing / re-targeting” set up so that the people who don’t contact you get a 2nd chance to reach you. 

Step 2: Attract people from your community who don’t know you AND aren’t yet taking action. 

Many people have a problem, but for whatever reason aren’t taking action. This is a very large % of your community…so it’s definitely worthwhile going after.

Pro-tip: Put up an ad in social media that speaks directly to this person who HAS a problem BUT isn’t taking ACTION…make an irresistable offer they simply can’t say no to, but also have some procedures in place so that you’re not a complete stranger before they come into your practice.  This makes conversions easier.

Finally, the biggest pool of patients to attract…

Attracting strangers who don’t know they have a problem you can help. 

This is by far the biggest number of people whom you can attract into your office. 

 Have you ever met someone and they said “oh, I didn’t know you could help with that”?  Amazing isn’t it.

Step 3: The key here is to have information that gets their attention. Think newspaper-style articles that inform, but also create curiosity to explore more into this possible solution. 

Pro Tip: Mix up your information in a way that builds trust and confidence and you’ll be on a winner!

Ok. Now you’ve got the fundamentals on The Perfect Practice Volume.

To help you reach new levels, set up a strategy session with Dr. Adam Arnold.

When you have the 3 steps above in place, you will never have to worry about your practice volume again!

Let me know what you’re biggest take away was from this article!

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