The mistake 92% of goal setters will make in 2018…How you can avoid it

Did you know 92% of people fail in achieving goals they set.  

If you want a different outcome, then you need to be different from the other 92%.

In this article we will show you how you achieve what you want in 2018 and beyond!

Let me introduce you to Dan (name changed to protect his identity).  Dan is a 36 year old Dentist with a small practice in Sydney.   Dan is your typical dentist.  

He got into Dentistry because he really liked helping people and had a personal experience with Dentistry that fuelled his desire to help others like himself.

Dan has been setting goals for the past 10 years and is getting frustrated because he never seems to be able to achieve his goals.  

He starts off fantastic for a few weeks, maybe even a few months…but then something gets in his way.  

It was like he had this invisible barrier that every time he would get to a certain level of achievement, there was this glass ceiling that would prevent him from going further.

Twice he had staff members leave and he found himself working extra hours to make up for the lack of staff and then spending extra time trying to find someone to help out.  

One time he was going great, his business was expanding, he brought on another dentist and then a few months later the dentist left.  He was devastated.   All his plans were out the window.

One day Dan was reading an article about intentions vs goal setting.  It was a different way of thinking about getting results.  

He was intrigued by what the article said, but still skeptical.

Here is what the article said and Dan’s outcome…

Rather than setting goals, you should set intentions.  An intention is more of a direction you want to go towards.  

Think of it like this.

Let’s say you want to walk from your house to the grocery store.  You look at the map and find it’s 4 Kilometers away in a straight easterly direction.  

So you work out on your mobile app that you can walk this distance in about one hour and it will take approximately 6000 steps.

So this means you take 1500 steps every 15 minutes.  

So with this information you start on your journey.  At 15 minutes you decide to check in.  

To your surprise the GPS says you will arrive 15 minutes later than you had originally planned.

A careful look at the map and you realise you had veered off course and instead of heading east you were now heading north east.  You reset your course and take off again.

15 Minutes later you check in…you have been walking faster to make up the time and find you are now going to be 5 minutes later than the original estimation.  You are back on path.

You continue on your path and check in again in 15 minutes.  Now you are actually going to arrive 5 minutes earlier than you had planned.  

You really picked up your pace but with a cost.  You are now thirsty and decide to stop at a convenience store along the way to get some water.

15 Minutes later and you still haven’t arrived.  As you look at your GPS you find you had slowed down.

The water stop plus carrying the water bottle slowed your pace.

You arrive at the store 5 minutes past your original estimation.  You are happy you achieved your intention.   

Now let’s analyse what happened.

So first we set off with a direction (to get to the store).

Next we had “check points” to make sure we were on track.  We stopped and looked and found we needed to make some changes to our direction and speed to make sure we achieved what we set out to do.

Finally we achieved our final destination as we intended (even though it was 5 minutes later than expected, we still got there).

Now, here is the absolute key in all of the above.  The key to all of this was that we started walking and NEVER stopped.  You see each step we took was moving us along to our intention.  Our check points made sure we would end up where we wanted.

We had 15 minute intervals of walking.  We knew to get to our intende direction, only two things mattered.  1. Walking and 2. Heading in the right direction.

Here is how Dan put this into action.

He knew his intention was to take his practice from a $750K per year business to a $1 Million dollar business.

Dan mapped out how many extra services he needed to bring in to increase the $250,000 per year intention.  

He needed an extra $5K per week which he could easily do if he focused on cosmetic dentistry.  

Dan knew his focus each day had to be to get one new cosmetic dentistry client per week.  He knew if 10 people enquired from his website that 3 would turn up to his practice and one would turn into a new patient.

But where could Dan get these extra website visitors?

Dan contacted us (Web Profit Maximiser) and together we set up a plan to attract an extra 10 visitors to his website each week who were interested in cosmetic dentistry.  This worked out to be 2 visitors per day.

So Dan created check points each week to see how we were going in getting 10 visitors to his website and 3 people into his practice.  

Dan was excited because he could see an overall growth in terms of visitors to his site, the number of enquiries for cosmetic dentistry and the number of new patients he was seeing.  

Each month in his business was growing.

Dan had finally worked out how to achieve what he wanted.   

So lets recap:

  • If you want to achieve your goal, your daily focus needs to be on the actions that it will take to get you there. Plus…
  • Have regular “check ins” and adjust your course as needed.
  • Oh one more point, remember to celebrate your small daily actions.

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