Facebook have recently streamlined their advertising options from 25 down to 9, however the remaining two options for generating post views appear to be very similar.
The need for both the Boost and Promote options has come about as Facebook has amended its algorithms so that the organic reach of an ad has reduced. However, in doing this the company has provided two options to businesses using the platform to strategically increase the reach of their promotions. Is this a little self-serving? Perhaps it is. But Facebook is a business, a business that can deliver an audience of 1.8 billion active users around the world. The move from organic advertising options to targeted advertising options has been made to ensure businesses who advertise of Facebook are actually getting in front of their target market.The Boosted Post and the Promoted Post are activated in similar methods, and achieve similar results. Why do both types of Facebook Ad continue to be available.
Which Option is the Best
To understand whether you want to invest in Boosting your posts of Promoting them, we must first discuss the difference and similarities between the two options, and how Facebook views their preferred use.
The primary benefit of Boosting a post is that it can be done from your Facebook page, as long as you have owner of moderator privileges. Once a Post has been created, you will see a ‘Boost Post’ button on the bottom right hand corner of the post.
Selecting this button brings up a menu of targeting options, allowing you to push the post out to people who have liked your page, or use Facebook’s targeting options to approach new potential customers.
The process of Boosting a post is not difficult. It can be effected through a few clicks, and you are able to set a budget and timeframe very easily. Facebook will review your selections and provide you with an estimate of the number of engagements they expect the Ad to receive during the timeframe, and if you are satisfied with that number you can send the Ad on its way.
You can Boost a post that has been created up to 3 days ago, so this becomes a good option if you have posted something, and it has started to gain some traction organically. The post obviously contains something that is grabbing the attention of your existing fan base. Converting the post to a Boosted post, therefore, should be enough to attract the attention of new prospects.
Some Tips for Boosting
- Remember that friends of your fans may not necessarily be interested in your page, so when Boosting, select a target audience. Boosting is meant to spread a successful message to a wider audience. Make sure you are targeting effectively to do that;
- When creating a targeting profile, you can select up to 10 interests. Once you have made a few suggestions, Facebook will begin to give you options to broaden your approach. Facebook is a successful platform because they know their users, so consider carefully their suggestions in this field;
- Facebook Ads Manager will track the progress of your Boosted post. Review these results regularly to ensure you are not wasting coin on the Post. If it isn’t generating the success you had anticipated, the success you have budgeted for, do not be afraid to pull the Ad.
Promoting Posts
The process for creating a Promoted Post is slightly more sophisticated. For starters the Ad needs to be created in Ads Manager. This means you are creating a Facebook post specifically for the purposes of pushing an Ad out to a wider audience.
The benefits of this type of Facebook Ad, however, is that you have a much wider range of selections in terms of targeting the Ad, and paying for it.
Once you have created the post in Ads Manager, you will advance to the Targeting menus. When comparing the two advertising styles, you will notice the Promoted Post has a far wider array of selections available in terms of targeting.
However probably the largest difference between the two styles comes when you are choosing how you will pay for the Ad. Promoted Posts give you the option of paying a flat daily rate, or paying a specified rate every time someone clicks on the Ad. The second option may initially appear more expensive, however it is nonetheless a very strong option. By selecting this payment option Facebook are only receiving revenue for the Ad if it actually generates an action from the user.
Some Tips for Promoted Posts
- Advertising on Facebook provides some highly valuable targeting options, so make sure you know where to find your ideal customer before creating your post;
- Understand Facebook’s advertising guidelines before starting the process of Promoting a Post, otherwise risk wasting an enormous amount of time;
- As with any type of advertising, include a call to action so the audience knows what it is you are trying to encourage them to do;
- Review the progress of the Ad in Ads Manager, and be sure to pull it as soon as you believe it is losing its traction. Do not throw good money after a falling idea.
Overview of Boosting vs Promoting Posts
The key to choosing which of these types of Facebook Ad you are going to employ comes from understanding the distinct differences in the way they are created.
Boosting, essentially, is available so you can selectively increase the visibility of a post that has already attracted some attention from your existing followers.
Promoting is a pre-meditated action, where you will have a clear idea of what you want to say, and who you want to say it too.
By understanding the material differences between these two Advertising options you will be able to make the most use out of Facebook Ads, and will generate the strongest performance from your business’ Facebook page.
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