If you’re advertising on Facebook for the first time, you might agree on the fact that the jargon associated with Facebook ads can be a little challenging for you. Also, different ad types may confuse you in deciding which type to choose for your specific advertising objective.
The information here has got you covered.
Learn about the Facebook ad specs and see which ad type is most suitable for your business.
Facebook Ad Types: Traffic and Conversions
These ads are specifically designed to increase traffic on your Facebook page. These ads send your potential clients to your page to increase conversations.
Clicks to Website and Website Conversions
This ad type is perfect for you if you aim to bring an additional number of Facebook users on your website. Not only they’ll encourage your potential customers to follow you on Facebook, but also visit your website for more information.
Carousel ad style is based on a few images/videos, links, and headlines, or CTAs. The content can be scrolled through even on a smartphone. The idea is to showcase your the products or services you’re dealing in to encourage the audience to click through.
Make sure that the content of your ad doesn’t compromise on quality to attract more customers.
Mobile News Feed Ads
This is more suitable for your target audience who are mobile-users. Such ads give them the option to simply click on the ad. The ad takes them to the Canvas ad.
Canvas Ad
Canvas ads provide you the perfect platform to showcase your business and share your story with your audience. Multiple images, videos, text blocks, and CTAs can be used to attract your potential customers.
Product Set
A product set is a digital catalog that contains detailed information about your product and services. You can also set a Facebook pixel on your website to find out the products most viewed by your audience. This way, you can show them a more relevant product set so you can grab their attention.
Facebook Ad Types: Product Catalog
The purpose of these ads is to earn audience engagement and gain an increased exposure.
Page Post Engagement
This ad type calls for a response from the audience. It pushes them to interact through reactions, shares, and comments. This is a great way to reach more audience and their connections. Not sure how to create this type of ad? You can take help from professionals such as web profit maximizer.
Page Likes
These ad posts encourage the audience to like your page and get engaged with the content you share. This is a great way to get more audience through free advertising.
Application Ads
These ad types encourage mobile users to install your business application on their desktop. The ad is a series of images, videos, and content to encourage users to install and find out more by using the app. You can check the response through the star ratings on Google Play or App Store.
Facebook Ad Type: Leads
These ads are designed to generate more leads through campaigns. The ad usually includes a form that collects information of the potential customers. This helps businesses follow up with them and collect leads in the future.
Event responses
If you have a major event coming up, this is the best way to reach more audience. Pick your targeting options wisely and create a massive impact through event responses.
Offer claims
These ads are targeted to your existing customers or people who are aware of your brand. The idea is to give them a chance to reconnect with your products or services through offer claims. As they click on your ad, you’ll be able to offer them a discount code on purchase (with an expiry date) or a barcode that they can use to get discounts at retail stores.
Lead Ads
Lead ads help you collect your information about your customers while they’re still on Facebook. Information includes user name, phone number, and email address. The customers aren’t usually aware of it as the ad seems like a regular one until it’s clicked on.
Facebook Ad Type: Branding
The purpose of this ad type is to enhance brand awareness and boost your brand’s visibility.
Video Ads
Videos are a great way to engage and influence the audience. Therefore, they are used for both targeting and brand awareness. You can include ads in between videos to grab your audience’ attention.
With so many options for Facebook ad types, choose the one that’s most suitable with what you aim to achieve in a given time. You can try multiple ad types at a time to yield better results. If you’re looking for professional help, reach out to Adam Arnold and learn all the tricks for Web Profit Maximiser.
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